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Benefits of G&G Kombucha
Benefits of G&G Hydrate

our products



G&G POWDER KOMBUCHA is loaded with high quality ingredients. Our fermented tea powder is infused with green tea, apple cider vinegar and ginger. Experience the amazing taste that is flavoured naturally and with nothing but real ingredients!

Kombucha Powder Product Packaging - Logo and product name with Irish landscape in the background.
Hydrate Powder Product Packaging - Logo and product name with Irish landscape in the background.


G&G HYDRATE rapidly replenishes and re-hydrates your body. G&G HYDRATE is packed with ocean minerals, electrolytes, amino acids and other vitamins to keep you hydrated after physical activity or other day-to-day activities. Containing zero sugar and naturally flavoured with watermelon & lemon juice.


Our story

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G&G Kombucha is a well-being and fitness brand that offers G&G Kombucha Powder and G&G Hydrate.


G&G Kombucha’s products contain high quality natural ingredients that are carefully selected to ensure maximum benefits from every scoop.


G&G Kombucha is led by Clodagh O Connor who founded the business in 2019. Originally starting with bottled kombucha, the brand now offers Kombucha and Hydrate in a powder form which makes it more cost effective and convenient for customers!


G&G Kombucha Powder with Green Tea & Apple Cider Vinegar is the perfect blend of ingredients to help your body function at its best and to keep you in shape.


G&G Hydrate rapidly replenishes and re-hydrates your body. G&G HYDRATE is packed with ocean minerals, electrolytes, amino acids, magnesium, zinc and vitamins C, B6, B12.


Being active, working a full-time job, keeping a social life and living a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. Keeping a balance is something very important to me. ‘Everything in Moderation’ is a motto I live by.


My products G&G Kombucha Powder and G&G Hydrate ensure that my body is functioning as it should on the inside. 


Starting off each day with a glass of Powdered Kombucha kick-starts my morning and sets me up for a positive day. Taking G&G Hydrate before training, the gym or an outing ensures that I will feel and perform at my best.



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Ciara Griffin
Former Irish Rugby Captain

"What I love about G&G Hydrate is that it contains all natural ingredients, all your electrolytes, amino acids, vit C and B vitamins needed for recovery".
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Kerry Footballer holding the sam maguire

Colm Cooper

Former Kerry Footballer & Player of the Year

"Great product for pre / post activities. Nutritious and tasty too!"
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Meath football player running with ball in arms

Mary Kate Lynch

Meath Footballer & All Star Winner

"G&G Hydrate is a great product that helps me to feel hydrated either before or after sessions. Taking it before training really gives me the boost I need. Knowing that what you are taking is all natural is great!"

where to buy

Yoga practitioner in a yoga pose looking at the mountain landscape

for body
for mind


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